Monday, August 31, 2009

Countdown:: 13 hours and 20 minutes.

HOURS, my friends, mere hours until I get on a plane, and I am still making sure that I have everything packed. Again. I swear, if my bags are over weight... I am starting to get nervous. Funny how it really hasn't kicked in in full force until now. Thanks a lot, nerves.

I saw Matt tonight, since he is busy tomorrow. He pointed out that this is the longest we will have gone without each other since we met. I'm in that situation with a lot of people. It's nerve wracking to think that my emotional support system is going to be an ocean away with a 7 hour time difference.

Just got back from Jeffrey's. We sat on his futon in the backyard and watched the sky and sang and talked and held each other. He's going to the airport tomorrow, but my parents will be there, so most of the tender stuff was tonight. And I cried. Again. Geez, I am going to be a wreck.

I must go and check my luggage once again. Until next time.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Countdown: 5 days, 17 hours, and 17 minutes until take off.

Things are getting hectic over here, but it's mostly stressing about details. I cannot wait to get on that plane and just go somewhere where I will have to be at square one, where I will have to learn something new, which is not a great forte of mine. I like knowing what I'm doing. I avoid a lot of things simply because I don't already know how to do it. Hence my inability to ride a bike. So this will be exciting.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Countdown: 16 days and 22 hours until takeoff from DFW to Florence, Italy.

Then, I will find myself in another country which speaks another language, very much by myself. And will be without my dearest friends, my family, or a good hamburger for 3 months and 19 days. I have never been away from my family for that long. Considering I am 20, I figured it would be about time. And if I am going to do it, I might as well REALLY do it. None of this half assing moving just out of state for me. I am either in the same city or I am another country.

No lie, I find this a little unsettling. I have spent a majroity of my life wishing as hard as I could that
a) Peter Pan does exist
b) he would come and take me to the ageless place where I can eternally play mom and be seduced by pirates.
And now I am going to take this Lance-Armstrong-sized step into that terrible world of adulthood ((cue the ominous music)). This is one of those "point of no return" moments. Let's have a moment of silence.
Now that we've been all serious and reflective, let's talk about how completely stoked I am for this adventure. I have been chronicly affected by the travel bug since a very young age. I have been independant since I was in the womb ((I categorically refused to turn around and be born the "normal way." C-sections are the way to go.)) So travelling by myself shouldn't prove too intimidating after the first few days. Or hours. Whatever.

Either tonight or tomorrow my suitcase will begin to be filled with the small margin of my wardrobe that has been deemed good enough to go out in public in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. This is not a significant margin. I learned with my previous abroad trip((s)) that I need several days to leave my clothing of choice in the suitcase and change my mind, pull things out, put things in, over and over again. 16 days should be enough. In no way overkill.