ItalianThis class is going to kick my butt. Me and languages, well, let's just say that we don't get along. Our prof told us that for the first few weeks, she would use English, despite the school's rule, which is a plus. Our book is essentially a grammar dictionary, which is a negative. But I suppose everything can't be perfect.
When we had to tell the class our major, in Italian, many interesting discoveries were made.
ONE:: the word for "director" in Italian is "regia." Remind anyone of anything? How about the Latin word for queen. So, technically, I am training to be a queen of theatre. Eat it.
TWO:: So after I've gone through all the "I'm-from-Texas-theatre-regia" stuff,
another girl gives the
exact same introduction. Turns out she's from Carroll, TX, goes to school at Trinity, is a theatre major AND wants to be a director. We couldn't decide if we were exicted about or suspicious of this new development.
Greek and Roman MythologySo I walk across the hall to my next class and and this girl walks right in behind me. After making sure that, yes, we were both taking mythology also, we decided that the fates had deemed it fitting for us to be friends. And thus enters Kristen, stage right.
The first thing I noticed about this class is that it was easily my biggest one. I mean, there is a clear difference between 8 and 20. And there were males. Multiple males. Maybe half a dozen. Besides class, I have seen no more than three in the same place at the same time. Our prof here is an archaeologist, and when she asked what we thought an archaeologist was, someone said what we were all thinking:: "You mean besides from
Indiana Jones?" Her response was classic:: "So I am the female Harrison Ford. I will take that as a compliment." Prof: 1, Students: 0.
We had the happy syllabus day part of class ((note:: most classes only happen once a week, and that means class is two and a half hours long)), then a break, then headfirst into the first lecture. Now, the guys here have one thing in common besides being grossly outnumbered. They are all frat boys, in the most stereotypical sense of the phrase. Ball caps, popped collars, the whole shibang. And the one behind me had the lovely quality where it is impossible to understand that you are wrong. For instance, we were trying to define what a myth is and do we have myths today. He nearly ripped my head off, literally, when I said that religion is a myth. Because "a myth is false." He just kept saying that over and over again. *facepalm*
Lost Symbolism and Secret Codes in ArtThe only bad thing about this class is that the proffessor talks wayyyyy too fast. That + her thick Italian accent = trouble taking notes.
The class, however, sounds really interesting. Almost every class there is a field trip to actually go see some of the art we are talking about. Ah, the perks of living in Florence. The first half of the semester is about lost sciences that were put in art - numerology, astrology, etc. Then the second half is about iconography. And she said the magic words::
"This class is going to be like the Da Vinci Code. Only scientifically accurate."
Bring it.